"Thanks to Amy’s personalized approach to coaching I have been able to hone my leadership skills and advance my career in Arts Administration to the next level. Amy helped me understand and manage the dynamics playing out at work, as well as tell my career story in such a way that I am in a much better to position to represent my education and experience to industry professionals." 

– Professional educator developing strategies to navigate workplace relationships in anticipation of an organizational restructuring.

"An incredibly large thank you for our discussion on Tuesday. It was extremely helpful in preparing me for this phase of my career search. I definitely felt a boost yesterday from having some direction after our talk. Thank you again for your time and help in constructing my intention which will become a formal plan for the weeks ahead."

 – Financial services product manager seeking a more strategic role in an innovative organization

"Thank you for your phenomenal coaching and generosity yesterday. You helped me connect the dots and think through what’s really holding me back in pursuing my goals. I am grateful and thankful."

 – Former corporate executive rebuilding her career and redirecting her professional focus following a health crisis

"Thank you for your follow-up note...I wanted to respond with some great news! I got a job! To say I am excited is an understatement. I'm most appreciative of your good thoughts and support. I'm grateful.  Thank you, for your help and support! Your help, ideas and counsel were priceless; I'm not sure I could put a price tag on it."

– Media sales executive redirecting transferable skills towards a more fulfilling role in a new sector